British Values
At MK Primary PRU, we actively promote the British Values of Democracy, Mutual Respect, Rule of Law, Tolerance and Individual Liberty and Responsibility.
We ensure that British Values are promoted in many ways throughout the daily life of our school. In addition to classroom activities, each week our current affairs assembly focuses on a key British Value, reflecting events happening in the wider world and giving children the opportunity to discuss these matters.
- We ensure that pupils are given a ‘voice’ to communicate. This ‘voice’ could be using words, objects, photographs, pictures, symbols, signing, eye pointing or body language. Communication is a school value.
- We empower our children by giving them opportunities to make choices about the things that they believe to be important. Choice is a school value.
- We have an active student parliament which promotes the democratic process where children vote for their class representatives.
Mutual Respect
- Children are involved in the development of the class behaviour contract.
- Children are encouraged to turn-take, share, negotiate and collaborate. Collaboration is a school value.
- Children show respect for the opinions of peers during class discussions and assemblies.
Rule of Law
- We have clear rules and expectations of behaviour. We have a system of rewards and consequences which all children understand.
- Visits from the schools police liaison officer reinforce the rule of law and the consequences when laws are broken.
- Staff support children in regulating their own behaviour by using the Zones of Regulation.
- All children and staff are respected equally.
- Children are taught to challenge gender, race and cultural discrimination.
- Children visit places of worship that are important to different faiths.
Individual Liberty and Responsibility
- Children are provided with boundaries which encourage them to make choices safely. Choice is a school value.
- Children develop a sense of responsibility by undertaking leadership roles around the school such as peer mentors and becoming members of the student parliament.
- Children are encouraged to know certain rights through the promotion of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).