
Mr N Miles, Chair of Governors
Mrs V Belcher, Vice-Chair
Mrs A Howson, Governor
Mrs C Couling, Staff Governor
Ms Kathie Hughes, CEO/Executive Principal and Governor
Vacancy, Community Governor
Vacancy, Parent Governor

Dates of Governing Body Meetings for 2024-2025:
09 October 2024
15 January 2025
19 March 2025
21 May 2025
09 July 2025

Dates of Governing Body Meetings for 2023-2024:
11 October 2023
17 January 2024
24 April 2024
03 July 2024

Click here to access the Scheme of Delegation

Contacting the Chair of Governors:
If you have anything you would like to raise please email the chair of the Governing Body on 


Governing Body Attendance - 2023-2024

Declarations of Interest 2023-2024