Overall Curriculum Intent


At Milton Keynes Primary Pupil Referral Unit we have high expectations and aspirations for our children and we strive to promote high quality teaching and learning throughout the curriculum and beyond. We use assessment to raise attainment and accelerate progress throughout the centre. We will provide opportunities for all children to achieve their full potential, including the provision of specific learning interventions. Our curriculum is designed to give all children, including those with SEND or those with different experiences or starting points, the knowledge and skills they need to be independent learners and to be prepared for the next steps in their learning journeys.

At Milton Keynes Primary PRU we specialise in supporting children who have not been able to maintain a placement in their local school either due to a social, emotional or behavioural challenges. Some children who attend Milton Keynes Primary PRU have negative attitudes towards school and have problems accessing parts of the National Curriculum. This can be caused by a combination of factors such as poor literacy or numeracy skills; limited concentration; problems with interaction with other pupils and a general lack of confidence and self-esteem. Staff work with children to seek approaches which will re-motivate them to learn whilst highlighting any skill deficiencies and overcoming barriers to learning. We use various assessment tools when children join us to assess their own learning needs and we then provide targeted interventions to meet these needs, children are re-tested termly to check progress and inform our Partner schools.

Our classrooms are bright, active places to learn; displays value achievement and working walls aid children through mapping the stages of a learning task, identifying the steps to success and key subject vocabulary.

We continuously build a curriculum that specifically meets the needs of our children, we ensure it is an exciting and balanced curriculum that allows flexibility and the personalisation required to respond to the individual needs of each child. All curricular areas aim to support children’s Social Emotional and Mental Health and communication and interaction needs by providing learning opportunities in which they can develop social skills, self-control and self-awareness. We promote a learning culture where all children feel safe, secure and valued and we actively encourage children to develop resilience and a growth mindset.

We actively promote fundamental British values and our Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) curriculum underpins all areas of learning. We use a broad range of teaching strategies that take into account the ways in which children learn in order for them to flourish. Spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding (SMSC) is integral to our school curriculum and ethos and is woven through day to day classroom activities. We teach Restorative Principles, encouraging children to look at their behaviour and the impact it has upon others and how to make informed choices for the future. Along with high academic standards, Milton Keynes Primary PRU places great emphasis on helping to develop kind, respectful and honest citizens.

A variety of teaching strategies are employed with an emphasis on discovering and exploring to motivate and encourage a life-long love of learning. Where appropriate, our themes end with opportunities to celebrate outcomes with family and friends. We encourage ‘pupil voice’ and are openly seeking to suggestions from our children in how to enhance their time with us at Milton Keynes Primary PRU and how they can be delighted with their own success.

 If you would like to find out more about our curriculum please email admin@mkprimarypru.co.uk