Current Affairs
In September 2023, MK Primary PRU implemented Votes for Schools as part of our collective worship and assembly programme. Votes for Schools is a national program where children vote and share their views on a weekly question linked to current affairs. The programme supports the delivery of UNCRC, SDG, SMSC, British Values and the Prevent Duty as well as supporting the PSHE programme, RSE and Health Education.
Each current affairs topic and question is shared through an assembly every Wednesday. Children then have the opportunity to explore the topic and question further and in more depth during a PSHE lesson before voting. Results are shared with children during the following weeks assembly. Children have an opportunity to develop their oracy skills and listen to the views of their peers in a safe place.
The feedback and votes are collated at a local and national level, and this is sent onto government departments, national organisations and charities.
The weekly Votes for Schools topics fall under one of 9 key themes.
1) Health & Wellbeing
2) Equalities & Identity
3) Environment & Climate Change
4) Global Issues & Politics
5) Science & Technology
6) Community & Charity
7) Crime, Justice & Extremism
8) Jobs, Economy & Education
9) Culture, Media & The Arts