Welcome from the Principal

Principal’s Welcome


I am incredibly proud to be the Principal at Milton Keynes Primary Pupil Referral Unit. MK primary PRU joined Stephenson (MK) Trust in November 2022 and has quickly established a calm and safe environment where children are happy and positive. The friendly and dedicated staff team are passionate about meeting the educational and development needs of our children and model positive behaviour and mutual respect.

Children join us from our mainstream partners at different times within the academic year. Many of whom have social, emotional and mental health difficulties. We provide intensive intervention support and quality opportunities to ensure children have success from their starting points and memorable life experiences. 

Our active learning approach to the curriculum is designed to ensure children are motivated, develop an enthusiasm for learning and begin to have a deeper understanding of knowledge acquired through the use of social communication. 

We also implement physically active learning to increase attention, higher order thinking as well as using movement to reduce the amount of time children are sedentary in the classroom.

We work in close partnership with external educational and health professionals. In addition, we are proud to have access to an experienced family support and therapeutic team at Stephenson (MK) Trust.

I encourage you to arrange a visit to MK Primary PRU, to meet our children, staff and to see the school in action.

Bev Wise